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Community Workshops and Discussions

An assortment of resources for the community to choose from in addition to community discussion topics.  

Each discussion is an opportunity to share a different perspective and educate yourself as well. 

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Articles and videos that include lifestyle strategies, resource referrals and other development tips. 

An observation by Tamir Weaver

Word on these corporate streets is that the employee market has changed. People are calling out more. People are demanding more pay for the same jobs. Employees are less compliant and less reliable. Employees are now only doing the bare minimum. People aren’t going above and beyond their job description. Nobody wants to take their work home. “Quiet quitting” is a term that was coined by an expert, organizational psychologist Anthony Klotz.  

In reality, they aren’t quitting jobs, they’re quitting work environments, their bosses, and bad relationships with money, stress, and time. Employees are prioritizing a work life balance. People are tired of working through the kid’s recitals and missing the birth of their children, for employers who can’t even remember their names. The importance of physical health and mental health is being acknowledged in ways that it hasn't before. Individual identity and self-care aren’t taboo anymore. These aren’t the busy little worker bees of the past. Employees are requesting respect and consideration, and compensation is up for negotiation these days as well. With record profits for hundreds of companies, and inflation through the roof, the math ain’t quite mathin’.   

When people say they're quitting their bosses, what does that even mean? Think “Horrible Bosses” but less celebrity and no murder, and the movie never ends. Yikes. In some instances, it means that the company they work for is not the issue directly. The company culture, compensation, or any of that. It means that the position they’re in comes with a manager or supervisor that is typically disrespectful and abuses their authority. This is someone who does not show any appreciation for hard work, and goal accomplishment. This is someone who finds things to pick about when it comes to their performance. This is a boss who may even be downright disrespectful; this can include but not be limited to sexual harassment, physical violence, threats of physical violence, racism, quid pro quo behavior, and dozens of other things. Nobody comes to work to deal with that stuff, we spend most of our time during the day at our jobs. Aren’t they supposed to be some sort of safe space too?  

Oftentimes on top of bad bosses, there is no respect for the work life balance of frontline employees. The only people who get to have vacations are executives. And they aren’t penalized for them. Even “approved absences” like doctor’s appointments, or unavoidable absences like sick leave due to contagious illness or injuries can negatively impact employees. These absences are counted during their evaluations. They must adhere to attendance expectations during “blackout dates”. Frontline employees typically must work through illnesses around the clock including holidays, their kid's birthday parties, christenings, graduations, and a dozen other once in a lifetime experiences with their families. Employers are often unempathetic to the plight of those without personal transportation. Mentioning the use of public transportation or carpooling can be an instant disqualification during an interview. Frontlines hear management say things like, "Make it work. It’s not my problem that the bus was late, you should catch an earlier bus. Your emergency isn’t my emergency. (This gets misused often.) The company needs you. Don’t you think it’s selfish of you to call out knowing your team needs you? How many times are you going to have to go to the doctor this month?” Oh, the guilt trips! Employees have adapted the general mindset that employers don’t care about them. Their efforts of 110% often translate to needled evaluations, and 10 cent raises every year. This doesn’t incentivize loyalty to the company.  

Although it sounds rough, some employees must deal with all of the above, in addition to a hostile work environment. Yea, hostile environments include all the big ones, like harassment (sexual and otherwise), abuse of authority, and discrimination. They make things bearable because they have bills to pay or families to feed, mostly both. Employers and supervisors have been found to penalize employees and fail to support them when reporting the behavior by allowing passive aggressive behavior from management to continue. Microaggressions and character attacks become normal in some industries. 

As a result of having to deal with these things quietly, or not being able to address them at all, employers are noticing different behavior. These undesirable environments are having adverse effects on the employees. They're no longer giving 110% to their employers when it is not appreciated by way of reflecting compensation. Some people refer to it as the “bare minimum” others call it just doing what’s in the job description.” It’s a response to not being able to feed families or being resented for not being there during lifetime moments. People are walking away from jobs where they are unable to meet their own personal needs while meeting the needs of the company they work for too. Prioritizing physical wellness and mental health has become one of the top reasons people leave companies as well.  

As a reaction to the movement, employers are employing T.R.A.P.S. as well. According to Business Insider, “Nearly 10% of US workers are covered by training repayment agreement provisions, according to a study from the Cornell Survey Research Institute, first reported on by Reuters.” Companies essentially want to be compensated if you quit or are fired from the position within a certain amount of time, with no exception to hostile environments or personal circumstances. These contracts often overstate the amount it costs to train for the position to punish employees. This is another looming threat to the well-being and livelihood of employees who suffer in their work environments.  

Findings from, and their survey, Survey of U.S. Workers Reveals Impact on Productivity from Depression, provide statistics that may suggest this was happening before now and is not a tantrum from employees. This phenomenon can be traced back to mental health as a side effect of depression, called presenteeism, the state of being there but not getting anything done.  

“Survey results demonstrate that depression significantly impacts productivity in the workplace. Highlights of the findings are summarized below (Ipsos, 2014): 

According to the information from that survey and the testimony of dozens of employee accounts from social media, and even a Fortune article, people are scared to lose their jobs for wanting to better themselves and their quality of life. Is that so offensive to employers?  

These are the reasons why we need to look at this behavior. Who set the standard for what work ethic we’re supposed to have? You can thank Protestants like John Cotton, the Puritans, and the Pilgrims for that. Theirs is the work ethic that helped build American capitalism. They also believe in the spirit of sacrifice and delayed gratification. Oh, the joys.   Is it quiet quitting or is it a cry for help to the same companies who claim to be “good corporate citizens”? Are people being penalized for wanting a better position in life? At the end of the day, mistreating the employees is costing the employers in many ways. It’s literally costing them. Despite the traps they’ve set to deter employees from quitting. According to the same 2014 survey, at the time it was estimated to be about “$100 billion annual cost of depression for U.S. employers, including $44 billion a year in lost productivity alone (Beck et al., 2014; Stewart, Ricci, Chee, Hahn, & Morganstein, 2003). In addition, mental illness short-term disability claims have grown by 10% annually (Marlowe, 2002).” According to an article written from written by Korayem Razik, Business and Resilience Coach & Founder and CEO at U-Grow GmbH, “Absent workers cost employers around $150 billion per year, but those who came to work and were not fully productive cost $1,500 billion per year in the US, based on the BLS data." So, a major player in the game of resigning from these jobs is actually mental health. They say that the younger generation is more concerned with mental health and wellness than previous generations of workers. Mental health wasn’t a concern before? Why not?  

It’s evident that there are things that employers can learn when hiring employees and creating a work culture that motivates and nurtures employees as well. Instead of penalizing them for leaving, let’s take a deeper look at what they were leaving behind. Let’s continue to educate ourselves and destigmatize acknowledging needs and wanting to do what’s best as an individual. Let’s not call the movement “Quiet Quitting” let’s call it a movement where people quit being quiet.  


Resources and References:


Setting Goals

By: Tamir Weaver

A brief article introducing setting goals and the basic types of goals and how to break them down with respect for your individual journey

“What do you want to be when you grow up?” Astronaut. Firefighter. Doctor. Superhero.  This is one of the first introductions to setting goals that most of us had. Some of those goals were realistic, some of them not so much. Since we've been children, we’ve all been taught to make a plan to achieve our goals. As we grew, we realized some of those plans were more complex than others. Some of those plans included college. Some of them didn’t. Some of them involved getting bitten by a radioactive spider, and that in itself was a dastardly deed. They change as our interests and realities change. Whether the plan was saving a life or saving the world, you knew there was a plan. As we began to develop our personality and interests, we were able to determine if we wanted certain steps to be a part of those plans.

 For some of us early in our journey we have only started to try to check off the boxes of those plans.  For some of us we’ve gone back to the drawing board a couple of times and we’re still trying to figure it out. All good things go through a process and any goal can be broken down into steps. There are basically 2 types of goals, long and short term goals. Determining a timeline that it takes to accomplish your goals is important to classifying your goals. Generally speaking, short term goals are goals that range anywhere from the next hour to the next 3 years. Anything further than 3 years in the future is generally considered a long term goal. Each goal consists of objectives, or steps, that lead to accomplishing that goal. 


Objectives are the smaller goals, or steps that you have to complete to make up your goals. These don’t necessarily come with time constraints, however they can usually be completed in one or two very short steps in a short amount of time. We use them to make our goals more attainable in the planning process. When setting goals you have to determine the results that you want to achieve, the timeframe that you want it in and start to delegate resources to the tasks you have to complete. Setting realistic goals is often a place that people struggle. Realistic goals means something that you are likely to achieve within the proposed time frame because the resources you need have already been acquired or are easily or quickly available. A realistic goal for one person may not be realistic for someone else even if it seems that their situations are a match on the outside. For example, many single moms want to pursue higher education, however things like credit, financial stability, transportation, health and a support system all contribute to each mom’s situation differently and affect her in a different way. If you have resources to accomplish a goal it’s probably a good place to start. And if you don’t have the resources, then acquiring the resources would seemingly be a good place to start with short term goals. 

Short Term Goals

As previously mentioned, short term goals are goals that are able to be achieved in less than 3 years or as quick as within the day like you set them. Everything is more digestible when you break them down into smaller portions, including your goals. 

We all have things that we’d like to accomplish, and we’re all on a different path to achievement; so this is just a loose guide for setting short term goals. 

Daily: These goals are easily accomplished within the day and are things on the list like making the bed, doing the dishes, starting a load of laundry, or a self-care routine. 

Weekly: Things like getting the car washed, completing homework assignments, or  meal prepping. 

Monthly: This may include reading a book, paying bills, completing a course, getting the car washed, or starting a new habit.


6 Months: This may include a consistent change in spending habits, dieting/exercise habits, learning something new (language, skill).

1 Year+: These goals take more time, relocation, changing positions at a current job, certifications, starting a business.

Short term goals don’t take much time, and are usually pre-requisite for larger goals. Don’t feel bound to one date. Make sure that you’re taking your entire situation into consideration when setting your goals, that includes stress levels, and mental health. 

Long Term Goals

Also in this article are long term goals. These goals often are more challenging and have more steps or each step takes longer. Each objective of a long term goal may be a short term goal in itself. For example, a long term goal would be an advanced degree like a Masters, however, a masters degree comes after an Associates degree, a Bachelor's degree, and other training as well. Each of those can be broken down into even smaller steps. Long term goals are often larger accomplishments as well. It may be a long term goal as well to save enough money to get a house built from the ground up. This may take around 3 years between saving, planning, approval, and building. It’s good to note, that everyone’s timing is different for all things, what may take one person 4 years, another person may accomplish in 2 or 3 and another person 5 years. Everyone’s circumstances are different and contribute to our individual learning process. A few examples of long term goals are:

Our goals are our individual stepping stones on our journey to achievement. Every stone is different, in both shape, size, and placement along the way. Each twist and turn that our path takes is unique to our own experiences and personal development. In setting goals, it's a good start to the process to be realistic. Realistic can be considered as already having the resources you need to complete the goals or the resources are quickly available. Goals can be long or short term and consist of objectives, steps to complete each goal. Making your goals attainable by breaking them down into objectives is a good way to start. What looks like a mountain can start as a conquerable molehill!  A set of goals is like a list of wishes you want to come true. Don’t let the result overwhelm you, get started on the journey, one stepping stone at a time.

Internet Safety

Basic Internet Terms and Practices for those new to or unfamiliar with the internet. 

Explore basic internet terminology and best practices for using the internet. 

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